Season of Giving

As we approach the holiday season, here are a few ways our church reaches out to our community and the world! Consider getting involved and contributing to our Season of Giving.

Hidden Creek Ministry

Join us in bringing Christmas joy to the families of the Hidden Creek community this year! Sign up to sponsor a family right here in our community at the Season of Giving table at our Simpsonville Campus lobby from 11/3/2024 – 11/24/2024 or email Lisa Smith at [email protected] to sign up.

Thank you for helping us make Christmas a lot brighter for the precious children of Hidden Creek. We will have a list of children for you to help provide Christmas. Here are a few guidelines:
~ $200 limit – no more (each list will have prioritized items
so please start with number one and go down
~ If you wrap the presents, please include a list of what
was purchased so the parents will know what they can
purchase off the child’s list
~ Please use discretion on what gifts to buy. Please do not
purchase videos and/or games that are in direct
opposition to our Christian faith.
~ Please have gifts ready by Wednesday, December 18th.
You may call Lisa Smith at 864-363-4867 to arrange
pick up for the gifts.

Dear children – let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)

This ministry also runs a year-round clothing closet that needs volunteers to help sort and maintain the closet.


Upstate Backpack Blessings

This is a local, grass-roots, charitable organization whose mission is to supply supplemental weekly food bags for at-risk school children every week during the school year. We serve 17 grade schools, middle schools, and high schools that we currently work with.

One backpack of food for one child is 

  • $5 per week; 
  • $20 per month; 
  • $90 per semester.
  • Did you know that just $180 would support ONE child for a WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR?

It is so easy to set up at $20 per month recurring gift! During the Summer months, this gift helps us plan, stock, and prepare for the next school year or give a one time gift of $180 to support 1 child for an entire school year! 

Here is the link to give through our church:
In the fund drop-down box, choose “Upstate Backpack Blessings”

Operation Christmas Child

It’s time for Operation Christmas Child!

OCC Shoebox Building Party
November 2 | 9:30am – 12pm or until done
Dining Room | Simpsonville Campus

IT’S SHOEBOX TIME! And we need your help!!! You are invited to the annual Shoebox Building Party in the Dining Room of the Simpsonville Campus. On November 2, from 9:30am to 12pm (or until finished), we’ll be building 2000+ shoeboxes to be filled this year by Upstate Church in the name of Jesus Christ! Operation Christmas Child is an international Ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that reaches, literally, millions of children and their families with the Gospel message. What a joy to be able to participate in a ministry like this, without even traveling! Building the shoeboxes is is a small, but vital, part of this ministry. Your investment of time will have a huge Kingdom impact, so bring family and friends, and join us for this fun and fulfilling event!

OCC Shoebox Collection Week
November 18 – 24, 2024
Dining Room | Simpsonville Campus

You can begin picking up your shoeboxes on November 3 at all campuses.

The drop off dates are Monday – Sunday, 11/18 – 11/24, at these times:

Mon, 11/18: 4pm – 6pm
Tues, 11/19: 4pm – 6pm
Wed, 11/20: 4pm – 7:30pm
Thur, 11/21: 4pm – 6pm
Fri, 11/22: 4pm – 6pm
Sat, 11/23: 10am – 12pm
Sun, 11/24: In the lobbies of all locations between services


Charlotte Processing Center Dates:

 If your group or family are interested in volunteering at the Charlotte Processing Center, FBS|UC has reserved the following dates. Please contact Sandy DeWitt at 864-320-2775 for details.

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 10AM – 2PM, 10 slots
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 10AM – 2PM, 10 slots
Thursday, Dec. 5, 9AM– 1PM, 15 slots
Saturday, Dec. 7, 9AM – 5PM, 15 slots
For further information, please visit Samaritans

There are also several “quick and easy” opportunities to help with OCC at any of the campuses during the month of November, and especially during Collections Week, November 18-24. All youth and adults are welcome to give as much or little of your time as you’d like. If interested, please visit with:
Melonee Lechleiter 864-303-3432 or
Judy Hocker 864-630-5503

Thanks for your interest and prayers!

Prisoner Packets

Deadline for drop off at any of our campuses on Sunday morning – 
December 1, 2024

Many inmates, be it men, women or youth, have no one who displays any concern for them. This care package ministry provides hope and demonstrates love.

Packing list –


ONE BLACK non-retractable pen (NO wire clips, NO other color ink)
-ONE 5×8 junior legal pad – white or yellow only
(no wire-bound or composition books, post-it notes, colored paper)
– ONE adult toothbrush (individually FACTORY-SEALED, NO multi-packs)
– ONE 4 oz. to 6 oz. toothpaste (NO travel-size)
– ONE 3.2 oz. to 6 oz. bar of soap (NO travel-size, NO unwrapped, NO unboxed bars)
– TWO rolls of hard candy like LifeSavers, Mentos, Breath Savers (NO Smarties, Sweetarts, Necco Wafers, Rolos, Starburst, or TicTacs)
– TWO first-class, stamp-embossed, #10 envelopes (from US Post Office, NO regular stamps, NO metered envelopes, NO
other size envelope)
– ONE gallon-size press seal bag (NO other size bags accepted)

All items must fit in the press seal bag with seal closed securely.


The Gospel of John will be included at the final contents check. All packets are delivered prior to Christmas which may well be the only gift many will receive. 





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