
Reset in the Chapel

Join us for Reset in the Chapel beginning January 8! This will be a time on Wednesday evenings to cover topics like prayer and the Trinity. There will also be a time of prayer each week.


A GriefShare support group is a safe place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s normal in grief.

Week of Prayer for North American Missions

Be in prayer for our missionaries in North America!

SC Baptist Disaster Relief Training

This will be the state training for South Carolina Baptists interested in receiving certification to serve at state and national disaster relief emergencies.

Mission 615

Are you convinced that the mission of God is bigger than the Upstate of South Carolina? Bigger than the 864? 615 is the area code of Nashville TN – You can help serve one of our church plants in the Nashville area!

Inside Out

Join us for 100+ community projects throughout the Upstate to live our faith inside out! Simpsonville and Greenville projects will be March 9-15 and Anderson projects will be March 16-22. You can sign up as a group or as an individual.

Date Night

Enjoy a night out for you and your spouse! Join us for dinner, encouragement, games, and fellowship with other couples. The cost is $55 per couple.

We are so expectant for this night, and hope it is a time of encouragement and fun for you and your spouse!

Upstate Church Mauldin Women’s Brunch

We will be having a Women’s Brunch at the UC Mauldin Campus for an opportunity to build community and to use it as an outreach to those not in church.

The deadline to register is March 22.

Alone Together

All members who are Senior Adults who are single, widowed, or divorced are invited to this luncheon. We’ll enjoy a catered lunch and some time spent with others in your same status in life. Cost is $10 and can be paid at the door. To reserve your seat, call the church office or email Cindy at [email protected].


We would love to see you and your friends on Saturday, April 5 from 2-5pm at Heritage Park in Simpsonville for EggVenture, a free community-wide event with egg hunts, inflatables, prizes, and more! We look forward to seeing you there!

Heartstrings Day Retreat

This is an event for mothers who have experienced the death of a child to experience encouragement and support. It does not matter how long it has been nor the age of the child.

Registration will close on March 15. Lunch is included.

Getting to Know You

New to Upstate Church? Join us for an afternoon with dessert and coffee! You’ll hear the mission and vision of First Baptist Simpsonville | Upstate Church and meet our staff in a small group setting! Register below!

Veterans Ministry

If you are a veteran in our church, we are so thankful for you! We would love to connect with you as we shape our Veterans Ministry. Click below if you are interested in learning more!

Forever Loved

The Foster/Adoption Ministry of First Baptist Simpsonville | Upstate Church If you are interested in participating in or supporting Forever Loved, please click the link below.

Fill out my online form.




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