We believe in missional living.
We are more like Christ when we serve others. Is God calling you to move outside the walls of your church? Find ways you and your church can be the catalyst to take Jesus to the people in your community and around the world!
Leader: Kathy Ballew 803-940-6800 [email protected]
Sylvia Koelling 864-692-3692
Bobbie Luba 724-263-2114
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Saturdays – Harrison Bridge Campus
Focus: Bible Study followed by crafting time to crochet hats and shawls; make no-sew blankets for Jump Start for Women; stuff Teddy Bears for police and firefighters to hand out; card ministry.
Leader: Maureen Heinbuch 979-3354 [email protected]
Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month (optional dinner out at 5:45pm; meeting at 6:45pm – often in someone’s home)
Focus: A hands-on group providing Christmas backpacks and prisoner packets and assisting the Servant Hands group as needed.
Leader: Jeannie Hafner, 864-616-5760, [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 10:00am
Call for Meeting Location
Focus: Prays for missionaries, as they knit, and for the recipients of the hats and scarves
Leader: Lois Bolanos 305-302-3227 [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:00am in the Dining Room
Focus: We prepare a “cheer basket” or provide a simple soup meal to deliver to homebound.
Leader: Janet Castles, 864-979-0731, [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30am in The Crossing
Focus: Pray for and learn about missions and actively do projects to help mission teams.
Leader: Jean Holland, 864-275-4618, [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 2:30pm in The Crossing
Focus: We are active in praying for and contributing to local and international missions. We enjoy a monthly Bible study from the “Mosaic” magazine or a guest speaker. Supportive of all church-wide mission projects.
Leader: Brenda Thompson 803-727-6035 [email protected]
Michele Christon 864-757-8242 [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Saturday of each month, 2nd Floor Auditorium, Downtown Simpsonville Campus
Focus: Bring or create projects to be given to those in need. Women might be sewing, knitting, crocheting, or making cards and sharing supplies.
Leader: Brenda Thompson 803-727-6035 [email protected]
Michele Christon 864-757-8242 [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Saturday of each month, 2nd Floor Auditorium, Downtown Simpsonville Campus
Focus: Bring or create projects to be given to those in need. Women might be sewing, knitting, crocheting, or making cards and sharing supplies.
Leader: Kathy Murphy 963-4542 [email protected]
Marilue Taylor 963-5975 [email protected]
Judy Koysza 399-6454 [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday at 10:00am Activity Room at The Springs
Focus: An adult on mission group open to men and women.
Leader: Ann Flanigan 288-1681, [email protected]
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in 2nd Floor Auditorium
Focus: Members encourage one another in authentic relationships that lead to a deeper level of involvement in missions ministry, witnessing, giving and prayer.
September 10-17
Week of Prayer for State Missions
Janie Chapman Offering
September 16
Children’s Mission Day
October 15
Winter Missions Offering at FBS | UC (Lottie Moon 82%, Global Hunger 3%)
October 29
Christmas Backpacks for Appalachian Children due
November 5
Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
November 6
Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
November 13-14
South Carolina Annual Baptist Convention – Shandon Baptist Church
November 26
Prisoner Packet due at FBS | UC Campuses
December 3 – 10
Week of Prayer for International Missions
February 18, 2024
Focus on WMU
March 3-10, 2023
Week of Prayer/Mission Study for North American Missions
March 22-23, 2023
Annual WMU Meeting – First Baptist Boiling Springs
March 24, 2024
Spring Mission Offering – Annie Armstrong 50% Janie Chapman 20%
June 9-10, 2024
Southern Baptist Convention – Indianapolis, IN
August 2024
Christmas in August project for North American missionaries
September 8-15, 2024
Week of Prayer for State Missions/Janie Chapman
October 13, 2024
Winter Missions Offering FBS|UC
Click here to view the 2021-2022 FBS | UC WMU brochure.
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