Click on an opportunity below to learn more about it. For more information about this ministry, contact Rob White, Minister of Senior Adults and Member Care, at [email protected].
The third Tuesday of each month our Senior Adults meet for lunch at 12:00noon in the North Auditorium. All senior adults are invited to bring a dish to share and join us for great food and fellowship!
Got a favorite game? Every Thursday is Game Day! Bring your game and lunch foods (sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cookies, etc.) to share! We will eat lunch together and then have a great time playing games.
If you love to knit, come join us! We typically meet each month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00am in the Hospitality Room. For more details or to confirm meeting dates contact Becky Proctor at [email protected].
Our FANS Center is a group of volunteers that seeks to show the love and mercy of Christ by providing short term, non-recurring needs for those who are disabled, live alone, widowed, single mothers, or are recovering from an illness or injury. If you have a need, please call them at 864-963-3334! To volunteer – please click here!
A GriefShare support group is a safe place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s normal in grief.
All members who are Senior Adults who are single, widowed, or divorced are invited to this luncheon. We’ll enjoy a catered lunch and some time spent with others in your same status in life. Cost is $10 and can be paid at the door. To reserve your seat, call the church office or email Cindy at [email protected].
10:OOAM | 11:20AM
8:45AM | 10:00AM | 11:20AM
10:00AM | 11:20AM
10:00AM | 11:20AM
8:45AM | 10:00AM | 11:20AM
8:45AM | 10:00AM | 11:20AM